Our Testimonies

Read about how we became a part of Beautiful Feet and see how God has impacted our lives!

God has done amazing things in the lives of each of us. He has used hard things to bring us closer to Him. If you are going through a hard time in your life? We would love to pray for you! Contact us by email.

During each performance, some of the Beautiful Feet girls share their testimonies. We hope to encourage people in their walk with Jesus.
Abbie Powell

What has God done in my life? That is a beautiful question, with an even more stunning answer. 

Growing up as a pastor's kid, I've been surrounded by Christianity all my life. But, one of the amazing things God has done is that He guided me to take my parent's faith as my own. He showed me my brokenness and that His Son, Jesus, died on the cross for that very reason. I ran to Him, and He grabbed me. I asked for forgiveness and grace and all my life He has poured that on me. I have realized that nothing I do will ever be enough, but it doesn't have to be. Jesus has payed the price for my sin. And, as I behold Him, He will transform me from glory to glory.

What do I have if I don't have Jesus? Nothing. He is my all. The love that He has put in me is a fire; a fire that purifies. He burns within my soul and touches the deepest parts of my heart. Hand in hand, Jesus takes me to places I never knew existed. I can be dirty and broken, but He embraces me. He teaches me how to dance in the rain, to a melody of thunder, letting the waters cleanse me. I love Psalm 37:4, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart," because if He is your delight, then He is your desire. As I have gotten to know my Savior, I have realized that He is delightful beyond words. I'm still terribly broken, and will be until I get to Heaven, but more and more Jesus and His desires are becoming my desires. What else could I want? 

                                                                                                                            ~Abbie Powell 2014
Maddie Patino

My name is Maddie, and I love to dance! God has given me two opportunities to dance.  One is with Beautiful Feet Ministries. I became apart of Beautiful Feet a few months ago, and we have so much fun putting these dances together for you! One of the reasons I love to dance is because it is a way that I can worship God and share the gospel. I especially love dancing with my sisters in Christ because we can all worship together. 

God has worked in my life in a huge way! I've had a lot of health issues, but I believe that God allowed those issues in my life to grow me closer to Him as a believer. Even to grow other people in their walk with the Lord! I have had epilepsy since I was eight and we found two tumors in my neck when I was ten. I had them removed, but one came back. I had radiation on it and through the radiation I had a pretty tough time, mainly because  I also deal with anxiety, which is caused by my tumor and epilepsy. But I have learned over the past few years, to pray. Praying got me through a lot! But I wouldn't just pray that God would heal me, I would thank Him for the trials He allowed in my life because I knew that something great would come of it. Dancing has also gotten me through my health issues. And praise the Lord that He has given me the ability to dance!

                                                                                                                              ~Maddie Patino 2014 

Grace Whipple

When I was little, I never thought I had a testimony. I always assumed a testimony had to be a big and powerful story-something I didn't have. But I've found out that the most ordinary life can be used for God's great purposes. 

I was a normal christian girl living in South Florida. My life was filled with Jesus, school, and dance. Moving away from my extended family, my friends, and my dance school was probably one of the hardest things I've done. Why did we move? We felt God asking us too. It's as simple as that. So after much crying and praying, we moved out to Cypress, TX in the September of 2013. Life began again, although it was strange and awkward to be in a place with no one we knew around. We started dance up again, although we had to drive 45 minutes in Houston traffic three times a week to get there. A few months later we moved into the Woodlands so that we could be closer to the studio. Turns out God had different plans for us, because after we'd gotten settled in our new house we felt like we weren't supposed to go back to the dance school next year. We weren't even sure if I should dance at all. 

We went through a time of doubt and worry, wondering if God had really asked us to move to Texas. But through it we trusted Him and asked for peace. Turns out some of the girls I met at the dance school shared my lifelong dream- being apart of a dance ministry. It wasn't long before we pulled together and decided to start one. By the summer of 2014, nine girls were ready and excited to launch Beautiful Feet-our new dance ministry. 

Looking back on the last year or so, I see that God really truly does make everything work out for the good of those who love Him. I have learned so much about myself and God through my experiences, and I can't wait to see how He will use this ministry. If you feel like I did, like you have no testimony, ask God to use you. Tell Him you are willing and ready to serve Him. You may end up doing amazing things, or serving the people you see everyday. Who knows, you may even start a ministry!  

                                                                                         ~Grace Whipple 2014